Saturday, July 4, 2009

SEO and Your Website Design

SEO and Your Website


There are many elements that go into SEO. Keyword implementation comes to mind along with quality inbound links. One of the most essential components of all is your actual website. When preparing to embark on an SEO mission, the first thing you need to ensure is that your site has a user-friendly feel. This basically means that your pages are navigable, links visible and set up correctly. It also helps if your site is built with complete, intriguing, quality content. If the navigation of your site is sloppy with misspelled words and improper grammar, your SEO efforts will likely be less than effective.

When designing your site with SEO in mind, it is important to provide usability for your visitors and accessibility for the search engines. A proper design will ensure that visitors can get around with ease and do not run into pages that take too long to load. You should also know that Flash and errors in HTML code could possibly prevent from search engine robots from properly crawling and indexing your site. A good site structure is one that caters to both your visitors and the search engines. As a website owner, achieving a site optimized for the search engines could be a challenge, especially if you lack design skills. When this is the case, you may need to rely on third-party professionals.

Expertise is Key

Because these elements are so important, several companies have emerged to offer their services. Some even employ both SEO experts and web designers, allowing you to kill two birds with one stones by having someone make sure your site is optimized, and another to ensure that its easy to navigate and use. The key is to do your research and take a little time evaluating different firms. The best company is one that responds to your inquiries in a timely manner with satisfactory answers. Rather than making claims about how fast or where they can ensure your rankings, they are honest and confident that their expertise will deliver results. In short, you want a reputable firm that has proven the ability to create designs that meet W3C compliance and posses an understanding of the latest web trends as they relate to SEO.

No Guarantees

Even when turning to a professional web designer, one should never automatically assume that shelling out cash will guarantee you a top spot on Google. The internet has opened up numerous opportunities and because of this, the web is a very competitive arena. Chances are, there are thousands of entrepreneurs who share your ambition for succeeding online. They could even be targeting the same market as yourself. You can spend a pretty penny on web design but without optimized content and a good marketing strategy, your beautiful website will get buried in Cyberspace.

Expectations will constantly be higher as the web continues to evolve. Your visitors expect more feature-rich content while search engines increasingly prefer fast loading sites. For this reason, the proper coding and effective optimization of your site are crucial. If you don’t get it right the first time, you could find yourself paying even more to get the right design.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Well written AND insightful.

    Thanks so much for sharing this.
    I'm currently re-designing a website that needs an increase in traffic, so from an SEO perspective, what to you think i's better:

    a) Change the title meta tag, or
    b) Leave the title meta-tag as is, and change body text?

    Any thoughts?
